
Annual Events

​The Theological Exchange Between Catholics and Jews  sponsors three events each academic year. ​

In the Fall semester, a local scholar or expert is invited to lecture o​n a theme relevant to Jewish-Catholic relations. 

​In the Spring semester, two experts — one Jewish and one Catholic — are invited to participate in a public, dialogue-style lecture in which they discuss a particular issue that is relevant to Christians and Jewish relations.

​Also in the Spring semester, a colloquium is organized for PC faculty, students, alumni, and other guests — at which they can confront more deeply the issues articulated in the lecture and their impact upon their own teaching, research, and learning.​

Past Events

November 16, 2021
Faith, Justice and American Love: Reflecting on Judaism and Racial Justice

An event with Rabbi Isaiah Rothstein (Rabbinic Scholar and Public Affairs Advisor, Jewish Federations of North America). Co-sponsored by the Center at Moore Hall.

April 14, 2021
The Opening of the Pius XII Archives: What’s at Stake for Jews and Catholics?

A dialogue with Rabbi David Fox Sandmel (Vice-chair of the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Relations and Senior Advisor on Interreligious Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League) and Professor Robert Ventresca (Professor of History at King’s University College at Western University and author of Soldier of Christ: The Life of Pope Pius XII)

October 29, 2020
Worship and Spirituality in the COVID Era: A Conversation Between a Catholic and a Jew

  • Deborah Johnson, Professor Emerita of Art History & Women’s Studies at Providence College and Cantor at Temple Sinai in Cranston, RI
  • Margaret Felice, Assistant Director of the Liturgy Arts Group at Boston College and active in Catholic music ministry

April 9, 2019
“The Next Steps in Catholic Jewish Relations: Two Perspectives”

  • Rabbi Abraham Skorka, friend and dialogue partner of Pope Francis
  • Philip Cunningham, Director of the Institute for Catholic-Jewish Relations at Saint Joseph’s University

November 4, 2018
“The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara: The Continuing Controversy”

David Kertzer, Brown University

October 25, 2017
“Supersessionism in Jewish-Christian Relations: An Unresolved Controversy”

  • Rabbi David Novak, University of Toronto
  • Thomas Joseph White, OP, The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas

October 25, 2017
“Covenant of the Heart: Judaism’s Vision of a Relationship with God”

Rabbi Jeffrey Goldwasser, Temple Sinai (Cranston, RI)​

March 30, 2017
“Sons of Providence: The Jewish History of Providence College, 1917-1965”

Dr. Jennifer Illuzzi and Dr. Arthur Urbano, Providence College

November 3, 2016
“2,000 Years, But Just Beginning”

Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York​

April 4, 2016
“Theological Reflections on Catholic-Jewish Relations Fifty Years after Nostra Aetate”

  • Dr. Philip Cunningham, Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at Saint Joseph’s University and
  • Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, International Council of Christians and Jews & Hebrew College

April 5, 2016
“Catholic-Jewish Relations Fifty Years after Nostra Aetate: Colloquium”

  • Dr. Philip Cunningham, Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at Saint Joseph’s University and
  • Rabbi Daniel Lehmann, International Council of Christians and Jews & Hebrew College

November 30, 2015
“My Forty-Year Journey: A Rabbi Reflects on the Impact of Vatican II and Jewish-Catholic Reconciliation”

Rabbi Jack Bemporad, Center for Interreligious Understanding & Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas

March 23, 2015
“Explicit & Implicit Anti-Semitism: European Catholics before Vatican II”

  • John Connelly, University of California at Berkeley
  • Michael Zank, Boston University

March 23, 2015
“Explicit & Implicit Anti-Semitism: European Catholics before Vatican II: Discussion”

  • John Connelly, University of California at Berkeley
  • Michael Zank, Boston University

November 5, 2014
”The Mountain of Faith”

Rabbi James Rosenberg, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Habonim (Barrington, RI)

March 7, 2014
“Image of God: Jewish & Catholic Perspectives”

  • Dianne Bergant, CSA, Catholic Theological Union
  • David Fox Sandmel, Catholic Theological Union

November 21, 2013
”A Rabbi, a Priest, and an Imam Walk into a Room: The Victories and Challenges of Interreligious Dialogue”

Rabbi Michael Klein-Katz, Scholar in Residence, Temple Sinai (Cranston, RI)

April 23, 2012
”Jewish Readings of the New Testament: What Do They Mean for Jewish-Catholic Relations”

  • Adam Gregerman, Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations
  • Michael Peppard, Fordham University

November 10, 2011
”My Children Have Vanquished Me! Decision-Making in Judaism”

Rabbi Wayne Franklin, Temple Emanu-El (Providence​​​, RI)

October 28, 2010
”For the Sake of Heaven: Biblical and Rabbinic Lessons on How to Debate”

Rabbi Peter Stein, Temple Sinai (Cranston, RI)

March 18, 2010
”Israel and the Priesthood: In Holy Scriptures and Today”

Rabbi Eugene Korn, North American Director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation

Dr Arthur Urbano

Professor of Theology and Chair of the JCTE​
St. Catherine of Siena Hall 216